













代表取締役社長 鈴木 伸明




1. 全事業共通

個人情報の種類 利用目的
  • お申し込みいただいた商品、サービスの提供のため
  • 商品、サービスに関する当社からのご案内、お知らせのため
  • 顧客動向の分析、商品開発等の調査・分析のため
  • トラブル発生時や災害等の緊急事態が発生した際の対応のため
  • サービス利用料金の精算、遅延金等の回収のため
  • 本人確認のため
取引先情報 顧客管理・マーケティング利用のため
セミナー参加者情報 商品、サービスに関する当社からのご案内、お知らせのため
各種お問い合わせ情報 各種お問い合わせ対応のため
(ご登録いただいた 氏名、生年月日、住所、在籍する大学等の名称・学生証に記載された情報(写真含む)、所属学部・学科、入学日、卒業予定日、電話番号、メールアドレス、端末情報、ログ情報、Cookie情報、位置情報、インターネット上の行動履歴情報等。)
  • お申し込みいただいた商品、サービスの提供のため
  • 当社からの企業紹介、就職活動に関するご連絡等のため
  • 商品、サービス(本サービス以外の当社の運営するサービスを含みます)に関する当社からのご案内、お知らせのため
  • トラブル発生時や災害等の緊急事態が発生した際の対応のため-損害賠償金等の回収のため
  • 本人確認のため
採用応募者情報 弊社が必要とする人材の採用判断のため
在職者情報 人事管理業務および業務の連絡のため
  • 法令に基づく従業員情報の取得、管理のため
  • 従業員の健康管理のため
  • 人事給与業務の履行のため
  • 福利厚生のため
  • 災害等の緊急時の連絡のため
  • その他、人事・労務管理上必要な処理のため


(Bizmates Student ID、メールアドレス等)

  • 株主優待サイトより株主優待のお申し込みを受けるため
  • 株主優待制度に関するお問い合わせに対応するため
  • 当社のIR活動のため
  • 株主優待サイトにおける利用状況の分析や利便性向上のため
  • システムメンテナンス、不具合対応のため
  • 不正行為もしくは違法となる可能性のある行為を防止するため

2. オンライン英会話事業

個人情報の種類 利用目的
法人受講者情報 上記「会員情報」と利用目的と同様
モニター参加者情報 上記「会員情報」の利用目的および「取引先情報」と同様
レッスン音声、学習履歴及びその内容 学習効果を上げるための分析、施策の実施

3. 人材紹介事業

個人情報の種類 利用目的
  • 当社からの仕事紹介、仕事に関するご連絡等、サービス提供のため
  • 商品、サービスに関する当社からのご案内、お知らせのため
  • 顧客動向の分析、商品開発等の調査・分析のため
  • トラブル発生時や災害等の緊急事態が発生した際の対応のため
  • 損害賠償金等の回収のため
  • 本人確認のため
  • 当社からの人材の紹介、お申し込みいただいた商品、サービスの提供のため
  • 商品、サービスに関する当社からのご案内、お知らせのため
  • 顧客動向の分析、商品開発等の調査・分析のため
  • トラブル発生時や災害等の緊急事態が発生した際の対応のため
  • サービス利用料金の精算、遅延金等の回収のため



  1. 当社の名称
    ビズメイツ株式会社 東京都千代田区
  2. 個人情報保護管理者
    コーポレートデザイン本部 本部長
  3. すべての保有個人データの利用目的
  4. 保有個人データの取り扱いに関するお問い合わせ・苦情等の申し出先
  5. 当社が属する認定個人情報保護団体の名称および苦情の解決の申し出先
    〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木一丁目9番9号六本木ファーストビル内
    03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779




  1. 「個人情報お問い合せ申請書」

  2. ご本人様、代理人の方であることを示す証明書

    ご本人様の場合: 運転免許証、パスポート、健康保険の被保険者証、在留カードの写しのいずれか1つ
    代理人の方の場合: 代理人である事を示す委任状(必須)
  3. 手数料



  1. 住所: 東京都千代田区神田須田町1-7-9 VORT秋葉原maxim 10階
    ビズメイツ株式会社 個人情報保護管理者


  • 未成年者または成年被後見人の法定代理人
  • 開示等の求めをすることにつき本人が委任した代理人



当社は、一部業務の委託に伴い、フィリピン共和国所在の当社子会社(Bizmates Philippines, Inc.)に上表の会員情報及び「オンライン英会話事業及びオンライン日本語会話事業」に記載の情報を提供することがあります。当社は同社との契約により、上記情報の取扱いについて当社と同等の措置を実施するように義務付けており、また、当該実施について定期的な監査を行っております。







  • Google アナリティクス オプトアウト アドオン
  • ユーザー属性・インタレストカテゴリーレポートのオプトアウト

なお、当ウェブサイトでは、「Google Analyticsの広告向けの機能」を有効にしており、当社が利用しているGoogle アナリティクスの広告向け機能の内容は次のとおりです。

  • Google アナリティクスリマーケティング
  • Google ディスプレイネットワークの表示回数レポート
  • Google アナリティクスのユーザーの分布とインタレストカテゴリに関するレポート
  • Google アナリティクスを使用して広告Cookieと匿名IDを使ったデータを収集する統合的なサービス



  1. アクセス情報を統計的に分析し、サイトの利便性やコンテンツの改善に活かすため
  2. ウェブサーバーで発生した問題や障害の原因を特定し解決するため
  3. 当社の行う宣伝広告効果の分析、顧客動向の把握、商品開発等の調査・分析、販売促進活動のため
  4. お客様が当社ウェブサイトを利用時に、ブラウザとサーバーとの間で送受信した利用履歴や入力内容などを、次回のウェブサイトご利用時に表示するため
  5. 当社ウェブサイトのアクセス情報に基づく、お客さまの興味関心に最適化した広告配信のため





Google のサービスを使用するサイトやアプリから収集した情報の Google による使用








  1. 目的


    • ユーザー分析と広告配信等のため。
  2. 第三者に提供する匿名加工情報に含まれる項目


    • 上記2の項目
  3. 提供方法


    • 適切にアクセス制限・管理を行っているサーバを介した提供
    • 上記の他、情報の漏えい、盗難等を防止するためのセキュリティ措置(暗号化やパスワード設定)が適切に講じられた方法で提供






Date of enactment: September 15, 2012
Last updated: March 25, 2024

Bizmates, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall provide the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) as follows and handle with the utmost care in accordance therewith the personal information that is collected by the Company from customers (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) who use the services the Company provides.

Prevent out-of-purpose use or provision of the personal information

The Company shall use and provide personal information after the Personal Information Protection Manager confirms the appropriateness thereof, in order to prevent out-of-purpose use or provision of the personal information. In addition, the Company has reinforced controlling activities through voluntary checks or internal audits, etc.

Corrective action for leaks, destruction/loss or damage of personal information

In the case of the occurrence of leaks, destruction/loss or damage of personal information, the Company shall place the utmost priority on the prevention of the spread of damage, and take corrective actions promptly, as well as pursue the causes and strive to prevent recurrence. In addition, the Company shall report information relating to incidents to related parties and organizations to the extent necessary.

Compliance with the laws and regulations, guidelines provided by the government and other norms

The Company shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations, guidelines provided by the government and norms, etc. of affiliated organizations and the like.

Continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system

The Company shall execute, maintain and regularly review the management system related to protection of personal information, and strive for continuous improvement thereof.

Handling of complaints and consultations relating to personal information

Revision of this Policy

The contents of this Policy may be revised without advance approval.
The Policy after revision shall come into effect when published on the Site, except for in cases where otherwise provided by the Company.

Bizmates, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer Nobuaki Suzuki

Disclosed Matters relating to Personal Information

1.Matters on disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information

The purpose of use of personal information handled by Bizmates, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall be as in the following table.

1. All businesses in common

Type of personal information Purpose of use
Bizmates Subscriber information
(such as a name, gender, date of birth, e-mail address, credit card information(name,number,expiration date, etc.) or information of device, log,cookie,location,or activity history on the internet)
  • For provision of products and services applied for
  • For guidance and messages from the Company relating to products and services
  • For analysis of customer trends, surveys and analysis of product development, etc
  • For handling when trouble occurs, or emergencies such as disasters
  • For settlement of service use fees, collection of delayed payments, etc
  • For identification
Business partner information For customer management and marketing use
Seminar participant information For guidance and messages from the Company relating to products and services
Various inquiries information For handling various inquiries

Syumatesmembership information(Registered name, date of birth, address, name of the university you are enrolled in, information on the customer’s studentID card (including photo), faculty/department, date of admission, expected graduation date, telephone number, e-mail address, device information, log information, cookie information, location information, Internet activity history information, etc.)

  • For providing products and services that the individual has applied for.
  • For providing the individual regarding company info for job hunting and job hunting itself, etc.
  • For providing information and notices from Bizmates regarding products and services (including other types of services operated by Bizmates).
  • For analyzing customer trends and conduct research and analysis for product development, etc.
  • For responding to emergencies such as operational problems or disasters.
  • For collecting compensation for damages, etc.
  • For confirming the identity of the customer.
Recruitment applicant information For judgment on hiring personnel that the Company needs
Existing worker information For HR management work and work-related contact
Information relating to executives and employees of the Company, and their family, and retirees of the Company
  • For acquisition and management of employee information under the laws and regulations
  • For health management of employees
  • For performance of HR salary work operations
  • For benefits and welfare
  • For emergency contact in disasters, etc.
  • For any other processing necessary for personnel affairs and labor affairs management
Information you will receive when applying for the Shareholder Special Benefit Plan (Bizmates Student ID, shareholder's email address, etc.)
  • For receiving applications for special shareholder benefits from the special shareholder benefits website
  • For responding to inquiries about special shareholder benefits
  • For our IR activities
  • For analyzing the usage of the special shareholder benefits website and improve its usability
  • For conducting system maintenance and addressing system errors
  • For prevention of fraudulent or potentially illegal activities

2. On-line English conversation business and on-line Japanese conversation business

Type of personal information Purpose of use
Corporate lecture-taker information Same as the purpose of use for “subscriber information” above
Monitor Participant Information Same as the purpose of use for “subscriber information” and “Business partner information” above
Lesson recordings, study log and its contents Analysis and implementation of measures to develop service efficacy

3. Personnel placement business

Type of personal information Purpose of use
Information on subscription applicant and users
  • For provision of the Services by the Company, such as referrals of work, communications relating to work, etc.
  • For guidance and messages from the Company relating to products and services
  • For analysis of customer trends, surveys and analysis of product development, etc
  • For handling when trouble occurs, or emergencies such as disasters, etc
  • For collection of compensation for damage, etc
  • For identification
Job-offering companies’ information
  • For referrals of personnel from the Company, and provision of applied products and services
  • For guidance and messages from the Company relating to products and services
  • For analysis of customer trends, surveys and analysis of product development, etc.
  • For handling when trouble occurs, or emergencies such as disasters, etc.
  • For settlement of service use fees, collection of delayed payments, etc.

2.Disclosed matters on personal information subject to disclosure

The Company publicly announces the following matters upon handling personal information subject to disclosure.

  1. Name of the Company
    Bizmates, Inc. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
  2. Personal information protection manager
    Person in General Manager, Corporate Design Division
    contact :
  3. Purpose of use of all personal information subject to disclosure
    See “1. Matters on disclosure of purpose of use of personal information”
  4. Window for inquiries and complaints on handling of personal information subject to disclosure
    Personal information inquiry contact : Personal Information Protection Manager
    Address : 10F VORT Akihabara maxim,1-7-9, Kanda-Sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  5. Name of certified personal information protection organization with which the Company is affiliated, and the place for requests for resolution of complaints
    Name of certified personal information protection organization
    Japan Information Processing and Development Center (JIPDEC)
    Party to petition for resolution of complaints
    Personal Information Protection Complaints Consultation Office
    C/o Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

3.Procedures to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information

The Company shall accept requests for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information, correction, addition, deletion of the contents thereof, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to a third party, and complaints or consultations relating to personal information at the Personal Information Inquiry Counter (; provided, however, that for personal information requested, if the personal information cannot be disclosed such as pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations, etc. or the storage period of the Company is elapsed, please understand that the Company may not respond to requests for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information of the customer, corrections, additions to, deletion of the contents thereof, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to a third party.
Please inquire of the Personal Information Inquiry Counter for requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information. The Company will send the prescribed form (Personal Information Inquiry Request Form), and the Customer shall enter the required matters and send the Form to the following address.

Items that must be sent

  1. Personal Information Inquiry Request Form

    Please enter the following matters in the Form
    ① Address, name, telephone number and seal of the subject person
    ② Date of request
    ③ Information to specify the personal information of which disclosure is requested
  2. Certificate to identify the subject, or the proxy thereof

    In the case of the subject of information: Any one of driving license, passport, health insurance card, or resident card
    In the case of: Letter of proxy to indicate the person is the proxy of the subject (essential)
  3. Handling charge

    1,000 yen (only in the case of notification or disclosure of the purpose of use)

Address for sending

  1. Address: Personal Information Protection Manager
    Bizmates, Inc.
    10F VORT Akihabara maxim, 1-7-9, Kanda-Sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

* In the case of a request by proxy, please make an inquiry. We limit the persons who can make a request by proxy to the following:

  • Legal representative for a minor or adult ward
  • Proxy delegated by the subject person for requests for disclosure, etc.

When the Company receives the above request, upon carrying out the necessary investigation, etc., the Company shall reply in writing within two (2) weeks. Please understand that when we reply, in order to avoid prevention of leaks of personal information by impersonation, we will use registered post to be signed and received by addressee only.
The governing language of this Privacy Policy shall be Japanese.


The Company shall provide the member information in the above table and the information described in "Online English Conversation Business and Online Japanese Conversation Business" to the Company's subsidiary (Bizmates Philippines, Inc.) located in the Republic of the Philippines in connection with the consignment of some operations. there is.
Under the contract with the company, the Company is obliged to implement the same measures as the Company regarding the handling of the above information, and also conducts regular audits on the implementation.

Handling of customer access information on our website

Gathering access information through the use of cookies and web beacons

Our website uses the technology of cookies and web beacons to acquire customer access information for the purposes described in "Purpose of use of our access information" below.
In addition, our website uses Google Analytics as a statistical tool to grasp the access trends.

Please note that the information sent during Google Analytics and advertisement distribution does not include personal information that can identify you.
For information on how Google Analytics collects and uses access information, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service, Google's privacy policy, and Google's use of data when using Google partner sites and apps.

About disabling cookies

You may opt out of cookies to disable Google's use of cookies.
Please refer to the following steps to disable cookies.

  • Google Analytics opt-out add-on
  • Opt-out of user attributes/interest category reports

In addition, on this website, "Google Analytics advertising function" is enabled, and the content of the Google Analytics advertising function that we are using is as follows.

  • Google Analytics Remarketing
  • Google Display Network Impressions Report
  • Report on Google Analytics user distribution and interest categories
             An integrated service that uses Google Analytics to collect data using advertising cookies and anonymous IDs

Google Analytics terms

Google privacy policy

Google's use of information collected from sites and apps that use Google's services

Purpose of use of customer access information

Your website access information will not be used for any purpose other than the following:

  1. To statistically analyze access information and utilize it to improve the convenience and content of the site.
  2. To identify and resolve the cause of the problem or failure that occurred on the web server
  3. For analysis of advertising effects, grasp of customer trends, research and analysis of product development, sales promotion activities, etc.
  4. To display the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server when the customer uses our website the next time.
  5. For advertisement distribution optimized for the interests of customers based on the access information of our website.

* Our company may outsource the advertisement distribution business to a third party, and may provide the access information of our website to the outsourced company.

Handling of anonymously processed information

We will create anonymously processed information and go to the third party after taking appropriate protective measures so that the personal information used for identifying a specific individual and creating it cannot be restored. Information will be provided to the extent permitted by law.

1.How to create anonymously processed information

We process your information and create anonymously processed information in accordance with the processing standards stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law.

2.Items included in anonymously processed information

Customer's personal attribute information (email address and registered name, but hashed)

3.Providing anonymously processed information to a third party

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of providing the anonymous processing information created by our company to the third party is as follows.

    • For user analysis and advertisement distribution, etc.
  2. Items included in the anonymous processing information provided to the third party

    The items included in the anonymously processed information are in Item 2 above.

  3. Provision method

    The method of providing anonymously processed information is as follows.

    • Information is provided via a server that properly restricts and manages access.
    • In addition to the above, security measures (encryption and password setting) to prevent information leakage, theft, etc. are appropriately taken.

4.Security management measures for anonymously processed information

We supervise employees who handle anonymously processed information so that safety management measures based on company regulations are carried out.

5.Contact point for questions and complaints

If you have any questions regarding our handling of anonymously processed information, please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk.